Dimensions: L:11in W:8,2in D:2.4in
The Makonde people are renowned for their exquisite woodcarvings. Traditionally, Makonde sculptures depict human figures with elongated bodies and intricate facial details. These sculptures may represent individuals, families, or couples engaged in various activities, including romantic or intimate moments. Skilled artisans create these objects from various types of wood such as African sandalwood and African Blackwood native to Eastern Africa.
About the Tribe
The Makonde are an ethnic group who originated in Mozambique. They originally lived on the shores of Ruvuma River and later moved to settle on Mueda Plateau. They currently live in Mozambique and Southeast Tanzania and have a small presence in Kenya.
Dimensions: L:11in W:8,2in D:2.4in
The Makonde people are renowned for their exquisite woodcarvings. Traditionally, Makonde sculptures depict human figures with elongated bodies and intricate facial details. These sculptures may represent individuals, families, or couples engaged in various activities, including romantic or intimate moments. Skilled artisans create these objects from various types of wood such as African sandalwood and African Blackwood native to Eastern Africa.
About the